So I am sitting in the passenger seat, on our way to my kiddos wisdom teeth appointment. I was thinking..which is hard at 6am, and I decided a challenge must be met.
September's challenge? To can a minimum of 2 different items per week. This won't be difficult as there is plenty to can:
apples: sauce, pie filling, butter
jams: peach jam, pear butter, mixed fruit
beans: black, white, cannellini, garbanzo, etc
hamburger (yup, I like it, so easy on a rushed night to grab a can of hamburger)
pumpkin: chunks only
fish (you may, I won't be)
I love canning, all my jars filled with yummy stuff. I have been bad with canning, I was working, plus grief, depression and a nagging infection. I have been dragging since the little guy and I were sick in December and January, now I know why. That darned nagging infection is now being dealt with, as I didn't know I had it. No worries, I am NOT contagious.
Do you accept the challenge? Get stuff in your jars! What counts? Freezer jams, water bath canning and pressure canning, dehydrated fruit or veggies in a jar.
What does not count? Dry pasta in a jar, rice in a jar, dry beans in a jar, store bought dried fruit in a jar.
If possible dehydrate some pears, peaches, apples, bananas and fruit leather. These are great in lunches, just a couple pieces. And, are pretty in a jar, but keep them protected from light!
So there it is, the September challenge. Who will join me? PLEASE leave a comment if you are joining in.