Sunday, October 13, 2019

October Challenge Week 2: Oct 13 - 19

I don't know about you, but I can not concentrate or focus in messes or clutter. So this week. We are tackling a very used area of the home.

YUCK, the laundry room! Did you know this room gets super linty and dusty, and why are there empty boxes of OxyClean in here! UGH.

I do not know how big or small your laundry area is. Ours is long, and has storage, although the storage areas have not been used well, and that door goes to the dog run.

I am going to work on organizing the reptile/snake items into plastic totes, go through my laundry soap container, throw away empties, figure out what is still in cardboard boxes (yes, I have not finished unpacking yet) and either donate the stuff or use it.

What you see is one of my washing machines (the top loading one), the orange pail is the diaper pail, the red bucket is for mopping but we put dirty kitchen towels in it, that oxyclean box is new, I found all of my kid's old glasses, the black pail has dirty diaper rags in it from cleaning up puppy pee. I have no idea what is in the giant storage cube, except the top right (oxyclean and laundry pods). And on top of that storage area you can see a spic and span bottle (filled with water, these are great spray bottles to reuse), dryer balls, a pink tie, poop baggies are in that box at the far end to clean up the dog run, some food storage buckets that are holding up a wedding bouquet for my cousin (it's drying, I will give it to her on her anniversary, or close to it, or maybe now). Not sure what else is up there,I am short, I will have to get the step ladder.

We have an entire week to clean the laundry room/area. Don't procrastinate, get it done.

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